College of Human Development, Culture, and Media

Clinical Competency Inventory (CCI) Training Video

If you attended the on-campus orientations or training sessions for Cooperating Teachers working with clinical interns, please take the quiz for the Clinical Competency Inventory, the evaluation tool used to assess whether a clinical intern should be recommended by us for licensure.

If you were unable to attend the on-campus orientations or training, we ask that you view this training session. After viewing the training session, please complete the on-line quiz through the link below so we have a record that you have completed the training. Cooperating Teachers will receive professional development hours for their work with our students, and this quiz provides evidence that you have met the minimum requirements for that professional development. Click here to watch the video.

Here you are able to access a PDF of the slides for the overview and training. You might find it helpful for taking notes or reviewing later in the semester: Clinical Competency Inventory (CCI) Overview_V3-3_SHUversion

CCI Clinical Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher Assessment
If you have any questions or problems with the videos or quizzes, please contact the Office of Clinical Experiences and Applied Research at 973-761-9347 or at [email protected].